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Hunting Lions
Hunting Lions
Hunting Lions
  • Reproduction
  • Sculpture
  • Architectural

Hunting Lions

DateMid-7th century BCE
Label TextJust a small segment of a much larger scene arranged in three horizontal registers, this relief illustrates a tense moment during a lion hunt. While Ashurbanipal strikes a fatal blow to one leaping lion, his spare horse is attacked by another. The multiple arrows in the attacker suggest that it had been left for dead, and was not expected to rise. The king survived, and appears elsewhere with his hunting trophies. In other scenes, the king hunts wild donkeys (onagers) and gazelle.
DescriptionModern painted resin cast of plaster copy (British Museum, London original 124874-6)
Cast by: Adam Aja (2012-2017)
Painted by: Sarah Milton
Cast of: 1891.3.37

Nineveh (modern Kuyunjik, Iraq)
North Palace, Room S, Slab 12-14
Supplemental Information
Object number1891.3.37.R
  • Mesopotamia
On View
On view